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The Magic Flute

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这周去Lincoln Center听了 The Magic Flute ,非常新颖的将歌剧和默剧电影相结合,效果比单纯的歌剧更加生动形象。

The generative

Bubble Chamber by Jared Tarbell in 2003. 点击图框开始生成。

The Magic Flute

↑The Magic Flute:

当记者问道,“What is The Magic Flute really about/魔笛 究竟 讲了怎样一个故事?” 时,主创之一的Paul Barritt简单概括道:

It’s a love story, told as a fairy tale.

另一名主创Barrie Kosky叙述的更加详尽:

A strange, fairytale love story, one that has a lot of archetypal and mythological elements, such as the trials they must undergo to gain wisdom. They have to go through fire and water to mature. These are ancient rites of initiation.

Despite all of the comedic elements, there is a deep loneliness in The Magic Flute. Half of the piece is the fact that people are alone: Despite the joy in Papageno’s bird catcher aria, it’s ultimately about a man who feels lonely and longs for love. At the beginning of the opera, Tamino is running alone through the forest. The three ladies are alone, so they are immediately attracted to Tamino. The Queen of the Night is alone–her husband has died, and her daughter has been kidnapped. Even Sarastro, who has a large following, has no partner at his side. Not to mention Monostatos, whose unfulfilled longing for love degenerates into unbridled lust. The Magic Flute is about the search for love, and about the different forms that this search can take.





Finally, it is also an Orphic story–it is about the power of music, music that can move mountains and nature. After all, the opera is called The Magic Flute, not Tamino and Pamina! The magic flute isn’t just an instrument, it is the quintessence of music, and music, in this case, is synonymous with love. I think that’s the reason why so many people love this opera so much, because they see, hear and feel that it’s a universal representation of those looking for love, a journey that we all take time and time again.


  1. 资料链接,其他人物:Sarastro暗指共济会奥地利分会的领导人Igna von Born;夜后隐喻当时对共济会采取高压政策的女王Maria Theresa;Monostatos暗指当时和共济会处于敌对关系的耶稣会;Pamina隐喻奥地利的国民 ↩︎
