[Weekly-32] 2019.12.07

Weekly visual project - 2019/12/07

The gear

估计是老了吧,最近越来越怀旧。黑五期间,没买什么激动人心的新玩意,倒是入了一台编号1191607,于1967年7月19日那批出产1的Leica M4旁轴胶片相机。Ebay卖家表示,这台M4的上任机主是一名职业记者。同相机一并寄来的还有上个世纪的一本徕卡杂志,真是怀旧到底。从没拍过胶片的我,从此步入一个新的大坑。摸着这台年纪堪比我父母辈的相机,我倒是开始理解为什么抚摸党喜欢买来一台又一台徕卡,不出门拍照就只是将这些工具供在防潮箱里——精准的德国工艺在这台相机上体现的淋漓尽致,称得上是能拍照的工艺品:纯机械结构不带电的这台相机可以永远拍下去——只要还有胶片可买。

The excerpt

When I have a job to do like that, where you have to do something that takes a lot of effort, slowly, I pretend I’m in jail. Don’t laugh. And if I’m in jail, time is of no consequence. In other words, if it takes a week to cut this, it’ll take a week. What else have I got to do? I’m going to be here for twenty years. See? This is a kind of mental trick.
– Jacob Rabinow