[MECpp]Item-7 Never Overload '&&', '||', or ','
· โ˜• 3 min read

If we don’t have a good reason for overloading an operator, don’t overload it. In the case of &&, ||, and ,, it’s difficult to have a good reason: we can’t make them behave the way they’re supposed to.

[MECpp]Item-6 Distinguish Between Prefix and Postfix Forms of Increment and Decrement Operators
· โ˜• 3 min read

The prefix and postfix forms of increment and decrement operators return different types: prefix forms return a reference, while postfix forms return a const object. For efficiency, prefer prefix forms unless the behavior of postfix ones is necessary. To guarantee consistency, implement postfix operators in terms of the prefix operators.

[MECpp]Item-4 Avoid Gratuitous Default Constructors
· โ˜• 5 min read

Including meaningless default constructors affects the efficiency of classes, so avoiding them in classes guarantees fully-initialized objects, with the cost of some limits on how such classes can be used.