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Item-21 Don't return a reference when we have to return an object

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Never return a pointer or reference to a local stack object, a refenrence to a heap-allocated object, or a pointer or reference to a local static object if there is a change that more than one such object will be needed (item 4 provides a “counter” example that is reasonable in single-threaded environments).

Case Study

There are some situations where we must return an object, no matter how much effort we want to put into rooting out the evil of pass-by-value to pursue the heighest efficiency. Otherwise, we may invariably make a fatal mistake: pass references to objects that don’t exist.

Consider following class for representing rational numbers with a multiplying function:

class Rational {
    Rational(int numerator = 0,     // see item 24 for why this
            int denominator = 1);   // ctor isn't declared explicit
    int n,d; // numerator and denominator
    const Rational  // see item 3 for why the return type is const
    operator**(const Rational& lhs,
               const Rational& rhs);

We may want to remove the cost of construction and destruction from return-by-value, considering using return by reference instead. However, a reference is just a name for some existing object. In the case of opeartor*, the product of the two object does not exist before we call the function, so if operator* want to return a reference to the product, it must create the result itself.

A function can create a new object in only two ways: on the stack or on the heap.

Return a pointer or reference to a local stack object

Creation on the stack is accomplished by defining a local variable:

const Rational& operator*(const Rational& lhs, const Rational& rhs) // bad code !
    Rational result(lhs.n * rhs.n, lhs.d * rhs.d);
    return result;

There’s a serious problem: the function returns a reference to result, which is a local object, and local objects are destroyed when the function exits, ending to return a reference to an ex-Rational. Any caller glancing at this return value would instantly enter the realm of undefined behavior.

The fact is, any function returning a reference (or a pointer) to a local object is brocken.

Return a reference to a heap-allocated object

Heap-based objects come into being through the use of new, so the heap-based opearator* looks like this:

const Rational& operation*(const Rational& lhs, const Rational& rhs) // bad code !
    Rational *result = new Raional(lhs.n * rhs.n, lhs.d * rhs.d);
    return *result;

Now comes a different problem: who will apply delete matching the use of new?

Even if callers are conscientious and well intentioned, there’s not much they can do to prevent leaks in reasonable usage scenarios like this:

Rational x, y, z;

Rational w = x * y * z; // same as operator*(operator*(x,y),z)

There are twoe uses of new that need to be undone with uses of delete. Yet there’s no reasonable way for clients to get at the pointers hidden behind the references being returned from the calls to operator* and make calls to delete. This is a guaranteed resource leak.

Return a reference to a local static object

If, however, we jump outside of the box, considering returning a reference to a static Rational, and think that this will avoid all but one initial constructor call without suffering from calling a constructor for each product result returned from operatior* in above on-the-stack and on-the-heap approaches:

const Rational& operator*(const Rational& lhs, const Rational& rhs) // bad code !
    static Rational result;  // static object
    result = ...; // put the product inside result
    return result;

Like all designs employing the use of static objects, this one immediately raises thread-safety hackles, but there’s a deeper flaw: consider following perfectly reasonable client code:

bool operator==(const Rational& lhs, const Rational& rhs); 
Rational a,b,c,d;
if ((a * b) == (c * d)) {
    // do whatever appropriate when the products are equal
} else {
    // do whatever appropriate when the products are unequal

Problem here is that the expression ((a * b) == (c * d)) will always evaluate to true, regardless of the values of a, b, c, and d.

Let’s rewrite the code in its equivalent functional form to understand what happened:

if (operator==(operator*(a, b), operator*(c, d)))

When operator== is called, there will already be two active calls to opearator*, each of which will return a reference to the static Rational object inside opeartion*, which, as is a static local object, will always be the exact one, with same value.

Some may ask,

Well, if one static isn’t enough, maybe a static array will do the trick…

The problem is, however, it is very hard to implement this arry of size n:

  • if n is too small, we may run out of places to store return values and fall back to the single-static design situation;
  • if n is too big, we’ll decrease the performance of the program, because every object in the array will be constructed the first time the function is called - a cost of n constructors and equally n destructors even if the function is called only once.
  • how to put the values we need into the array’s objects and what is the cost. The most direct way is via assignment, which cost the same as a call to a destructor (to destroy the old value) plus a call to a constructor (to copy over the new value)
  • how to decide the position of target result in the array

The right way: return by value

The right way to write a function that must return a new object is to have that function reutrn a new object like this or something essentially equivalent:

inline const Rational operator*(const Rational& lhs, const Rational& rhs)
    return Rational(lhs.n * rhs.n, lhs.d * rhs.d);

In the long run, the cost of constructing and destructing operator*’s return value is a small price to pay for correct behavior. What’s more, since C++ allows compiler implementers to apply optimizations to immprove the performance of the generated code, it turns out that in some cases, construction and destruction of operator*’s return value can be safely eliminated, so the program will run faster than we expect and still behave correctly as it’s supposed to be.

In summary, when deciding between returning a reference and returning an object, we should make choice that offers correct behavior.

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