- [Weekly-11] 2019.07.14
- [Weekly-10] 2019.07.07
- [Weekly-9] 2019.06.30
- [Weekly-8] 2019.06.22
- Basic Musicianship Review
- [Weekly-7] 2019.06.15
- [Weekly-6] 2019.06.08
- [Weekly-5] 2019.06.01
- [Weekly-4] 2019.05.25
- [Weekly-3] 2019.05.18
- [Weekly-2] 2019.05.11
- [Weekly-1] May the 4th..
- Trade Beats
- [EMCpp]Item-40 Use std::atomic for Concurrency, volatile for Special Memory
- [EMCpp]Item-39 Consider Void Futures for One-Shot Event Communication
- [EMCpp]Item-38 Be Aware of Varying Thread Handle Destructor Behavior
- [EMCpp]Item-37 Make std::threads Unjoinable on All Paths
- [EMCpp]Item-36 Specify std::launch::async if Asynchronicity Is Essential
- [EMCpp]Item-35 Prefer Task-Based Programming to Thread-Based
- [EMCpp]Item-34 Prefer Lambdas to std::bind